At what point in your life do you just throw your hands up in the air and just say, "To Hell with This!"
After just losing 3,300 words in one sitting I really just want to roll over and give up. The story will not be the same if I start again, the character's are gone, and the humor is now in the ether. What if was the 'one' novel; that was going to blow everyone away. What if that was my last opportunity.
On the other hand, now I have a completely new slate. We are only a week into Campnanowrimo, which means there is 3 weeks left. It is exhausting, depression, daunting.
I am still in delma mode. Do I try again, or give up?
Maybe after a good night sleep I will see this situation differently.
Don't give up! I'm less concerned with actually completeing the 50k for camp, but rather just writing everyday. Don't worry too much about the words, and just write for the sake of writing.